Monday, February 1, 2010

Attitude Adjustments

It's been a difficult week here in the Rose Garden. Nothing too dramatic, just "regular" issues. The biggest has been some frustrating attitudes, particularly in the kids, though Rob and I are not immune. We're taking some steps, more of which I'll write about on Wednesday, but in the meantime I am remembering today that the best help to my attitude is gratitude. (I'm sure there's a catchy phrase in there somewhere...) This week, in spite of it all, I am grateful for:

204. A new homeschooling co-op forming
205. Rob reading Narnia to the kids (and me!)
206. Reepicheep
207. My daughter's unforced remorse
208. Not wanting to take down Christmas
209. Getting Christmas decorations taken down
210. Mindy Buller

211. Roaring and wrestling
212. Sword fights
213. My husband adding to my thanksgivings list
214. A healthy body
215. 2 days sugar-free (more on that on Wednesday)

I am so grateful for all of these things. My cup overfloweth. I will continue to speak that truth into my life and to cultivate that "attitude of gratitude."

holy experience

1 comment:

  1. It is amazing how a simple thing like gratitude really changes attitude and helps put into perspective how very blessed we are every day.
    Beautiful list and pictures
    Grace to you



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