To go along with my chosen fast I made up a new daily schedule for our family. No longer would time just slip away from us. We would make the best use of every moment. (Yes, it's a flexible schedule, and I know the possibilities and limitations of a four-children-six-and-under household.) Life went along smoothly for 1 1/2 days. Then began my forced fast.
About 2:00 yesterday afternoon, it began snowing. About fifteen minutes later, my husband slid off the road in our newly-paid-off car, hit a tree and spun around to face the direction he had come. He called to tell me and I will gratefully say that my first thought was truly one of thanksgiving that he was alright.
Immediately thereafter, I discovered my true character and what I should (and now must) really focus on this Lent. The whole situation was out of my control. I could not control the weather. I could not control my husband's driving. I could not control the towing situation. The rental situation. The repair situation. I could not even bring my husband home. And now, as we sit with an empty garage and places to go, I cannot control this current situation. (It's still snowing, too!) My new schedule, my Lenten resolutions, nothing can change the fact that I AM NOT IN CONTROL.
I'm finding, today, that I am having to fast from that need to control almost constantly. Even this post will probably not show up until later because we have no internet when it's snowing. Please, would you pray with me today? Pray that we would let go of the need to control our lives and instead give them over to the one who has promised to provide for all of our needs. Again, I am seeing already his provision in these circumstances. He is Good. And He is in control.