My husband preached a sermon on Sunday about how meeting Jesus in the Christmas season should motivate our desire to change. We cannot be the same after the Christ child has come into the world and we have seen Him. We have a whole new beginning and there is much to do! I wish I could say that I've spent a lot of time praying about these "resolutions," but for now I will write them down and pray that God would bless the ones that He, too, would see me accomplish. And so, with God's help I resolve this year to:
1) Reach 1000 blessings in my thanksgiving list,
2) Finish a quilt,
3) Have one ladies tea a month to encourage and teach the women of my congregration.
I would love your prayers as I seek to fulfill these resolutions. Pray that God would be glorified through them all and that I would see Him at work in my life, too.
Oh, and here are Monday's thanksgivings!
123. My parents buying groceries while they are visiting
124. Listening to my brother playing his guitar
125. God taking those babies that mothers have chosen not to let live
126. Nicholas
127. Ian playing with his Grandma Kate
128. A new camera
129. A new sweater
130. Christmas goose, mmmm....
131. Laughing until I cry
132. Playing cards with family (see #131)
134. My husband's grace in accepting so few people at the Christmas Day service
135. A visit from dear friends
136. Their sweet little girl
137. A delicious salad (prepared by my mother)
138. My mother preparing #137 so that Rob and I could visit with our friends
May God go with you into this new year. May He give you a fresh start, a fresh outlook on his plan for you, and a fresh urging to take the light of the Christ child to all the world. For we can never be the same again.