"Yes, what is it?"
"You want to go to a funeral with me?!"
It was a bizarre way to spend our ninth anniversary, but in one way it was also very beautiful. Wednesday we attended the funeral of a neighbour and a dear member of our community. Also in attendance was his wife of 52 years. We saw, that day, the end of a relationship. The next day we sat with a couple Pastor-husband and I are counseling as they seek to get married. Their story is just beginning. How amazing to watch God work through our whole human timeline.
And just as we celebrated the end of a life this week, so also we celebrate the coming into life of our little Grace girl. Emma turns 5 today and we are so blessed to have had her in our family for these years. Much to give thanks for.
384. Emma Grace Rose
385. Richard "Dick" Waite
386. Missing snakes
387. A new chicken run
388. Sprouts!
389. Church gathering for fellowship
390. Taking time to talk with a sister in the Lord
391. Answered prayers for said talk
392. Time with my highschool group to talk about God's plan for their bodies and relationships
393. Trip with the whole family to Ft. Ticonderoga
394. Mini-golf
395. New shoes for the kids
396. More thunderstorms
397. Freshly picked tomatoes
That's all for now!